
Review Policy & Other Info

Review Policy &; Other Info


Please email me with review requests at: TheBo0ki3.blog@gmail.com

My reviews are honest, and completely my own, please remember this is how I feel. My review will be fair whether I enjoyed the book or not. While I don’t like writing a negative review I will be honest, but that doesn’t mean I’ll bash someone’s work, everything will be said in a respectful way.

I have a lot of books to review and it’s hard to get everything done super fast but I will get to every book.

I accept pretty much all book formats, I gladly accept advanced copies to review as well. While I prefer print copies I do accept e-copies, it’s hard for me to read e-books on anything other than my kindle, so if you send me an e-copy please to have a format compatible with kindle. 

I do read series though if you would like for me to review a book that is part of a series I have not read I ask that you please provide a copy of the book(s) before it. That way I won’t be lost and the review would be better. 

Also I do accepts books from indie authors, I don’t mind doing interviews, hosting giveaways, cover reveals, promo stops, and being part of bog tours. 

Here is a list of books I do accept.
·       Adult, YA, New Adult
·       Paranormal
·       Fantasy
·       Science Fiction
·       Romance
·       Chick Lit
·       Contemporary Fiction
·       Historical Fiction

I'm weird about Middle Grade. I read it, but it depends on the book

Here’s a list of books I do not usually accept:
·       Nonfiction: autobiographies/biographies/memoirs
·       Horror
·       Thrillers
·       Mostly religious books
·      Â·       Non-fiction
·       Self-help


·       Winners will be notified by email & will have 48 hrs to respond.  If there is no response, then another winner will be selected.
·       Personal information given by the applicant in the giveaway will never be shared. All information is deleted once the giveaway ends.
·       I am not responsible for items lost in the mail and have the right to disqualify anyone, at any time.

If you ever have questions or concerns regarding my giveaways, please contact me by email.
