
Last Minion Standing Winners

April 29, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
So first I would like to thank everyone who entered this giveaway and I would also like to thank Eve Langlais for writing this amazing book and allowing me  to hold this giveaway. Now I'll get to the point, the Winners are . . .                                             ...

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Waiting on Wednesday: Magic Slays

April 27, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. MAGIC SLAYS: KATE DANIELS SERIES BOOK FIVE BY ILONA ANDREWS Publisher: Ace Mass Market PaperbackMay 31, 2011 From Ilona’s site: Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job. Kate Daniels may have...

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Tune In/Teaser Tuesday (4)

April 26, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
Tune in Tuesday is hosted by Ginger @GReads so if you think idea was coo like I did head over and link up! It’s a way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! For my teaser this week I took a trip to the country (I’m a big country music fan. Huge!) This is a new  brothers and sister...

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In My Mailbox (4)

April 25, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
 In My Mailbox is something was that started over at The Story Siren and I think it’s pretty awesome. It’s a way to showcase the books that you gotten through different places. Such as books you gotten in the mail, brought from a store, borrowed from the library, received to write a review, as they can be in eBook form. Here's a link to see how it all started. I didn’t buy...

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Waiting on Wednesday: Dark Descendant

April 20, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.     DARK DESCENDANT: THE DESCENDANT SERIES BOOK ONE BY JENNA BLACK Â·        Publisher: Pocket·        Mass Market Paperback·        April 26, 2011 From Jenna’s Site: The old gods have a new weapon. Don't mess with her.Nikki Glass can track down any man. But when her latest client...

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Review: Breath of Angel

April 19, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
Breath of Angel Karyn Hanley The Angelaeon Circle Book One Paperback, 277 Pages Young Adult, Paranormal Christian Fiction Publisher:  WaterBrook Press ISBN: 978-0-30773-012-1 Release Date June 21 2011 Overall Rating: 4/5    The story is about a sixteen-year-old priestess named Melaia, who loves her life as the one day High Priestess of the temple.  But one day she witnesses a murder in the temple...

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Tune In/Teaser Tuesday (3)

April 19, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
Tune in Tuesday is hosted by Ginger @GReads so if you think idea was coo like I did head over and link up! It’s a way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! This week I’m talking about another one of my favorite songs, I've been listening to it since I first heard a few lines of it in a...

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Last Minion Standing Review & eBook Giveaway (Now Closed)

April 18, 2011 / BY Shanese La'Tia
Last Minion Standing Eve Langlais eBook, 50 Pages Paranormal Romance                                                              Published by Liquid Silver Books ISBN: 978-1-59578-797-2 Release Date: January 31, 2011 Overall Rating: 5/5 Synopsis from Goodreads: Who will be the Last...

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