
Tune In/Teaser Tuesday (60)

by - May 21, 2012

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. 

Anyone can play along by doing the following. Grab your current read open to a random page and share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. 

Please no spoilers (make sure what you shared doesn’t give away too much! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, so that other TT participants can add to their TBR list of they like your teaser! 

My teasers are from the same book. Hunting Season book one in The Gathering series by Shelly Laurenston

“Me? How am I at fault here? I send you over there to get information and you go down on the man like you’re on the titanic.”
26% on kindle

“I like how you say that like I asked to come to the Island to perform satanic rituals.”
59% on kindle

“It’s Tye.” Didi frowned. Delia looked like she was about to cry and she never cried. Even when she got her hand stuck in the toilet that time.
66% on kindle

Tune in Tuesday is hosted by Ginger of GReads. 

It’s a way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what other are listening to. 

If you want to be a part of this head on over to her page and link up. All May long is Random Playlists Special Edition.  

Open up your music library (iTunes?) and pick a song at random from your collection to feature with us.  The choice can be as eclectic as you want it to be! Share one song, or share a couple songs.” –Ginger of GReads

I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman by Britney Spears
Light Up The World from Glee
Sweet Lady by Tyrese
Tonight by Sugarland
Sister, Sister Theme song from the TV Show

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  1. I loved all three of your teasers, but the third one was my favorite because it made me laugh. Good choices!
    My Teaser is from Each Angel Burns.

  2. I liked the first teaser! My teaser comes from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

  3. I liked the teasers, but the third was my favorite :) Enjoy reading!

    Take a look at my teaser.

  4. Hunting Season sounds like a sensually stimulating read, thanks for sharing.
    Here's my teaser:

  5. Nice teasers! Love that cover. :)

    Here's my TT!

    ~new follower~

  6. New Follower. Love the teaser. I just added it to my TBR on goodreads. I don't know how I didn't know about this new series. :-)


  7. Your first teaser had me giggling! Sexy book cover too.

    I filmed my TT this week, you can check it out here: http://bit.ly/JP2DxD

    Love Rie x

  8. Your first few teasers had me cracking up. I'm adding the book to my tbr pile. Here is my TT http://newpaperadventures.blogspot.com/2012/05/teaser-tuesday-may-22.html

  9. Some interesting and definitely witty, charming and funny teasers. ^_^

    Maura @ Monster of Books
