
Tune In/Teaser Tuesday (61)

by - May 29, 2012

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along by doing the following. 
Grab your current read open to a random page and share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Please no spoilers (make sure what you shared doesn’t give away too much! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, so that other TT participants can add to their TBR list of they like your teaser! 

She drew herself up and crossed her arms over her chest. “So Buck can enjoy sitting in a cell contemplating how he blew up his life. That dickwad hurt two people sitting at this table. And you’re worried about who’ll look bad if they tell? Screw that. Dean and D.J. and Kennedy and every frat boy on this campus can all go fuck themselves. Are we sisters or not?
Easy by Tammara Webber. 26% on kindle.

“I don’t know who feed you that line of garbage but I can promise she’s laughing at you right now.”
“Surprise it was your mom after I boned her.”
Pg 21, The Darkest Seduction (Lords of the Underworld #9) by Gena Showalter

Tune in Tuesday is hosted by Ginger of GReads. It’s a way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what other are listening to. If you want to be a part of this head on over to her page and link up. 
All May long is Random Playlists Special Edition.  “Open up your music library (iTunes?) and pick a song at random from your collection to feature with us.  The choice can be as eclectic as you want it to be! Share one song, or share a couple songs.” –Ginger of GReads

I will use the first five songs that come on my iTunes when I put it on shuffle.

Oh Donna by Riychies Valens
I Want Something That I Want by Grace Potter feat. Bethany Joy Galeotti (Haley James-Scott on One Tree Hill) 

What Happened? by T.I.
Summer Girls by LFO
Keep On Lovin' You by Steel Magnolia

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  1. I so have that book & I know exactly what part that is from :) Love this one!

    Check out my Teaser Tuesday :)
    Tabby @Insightful Minds & IM Design Studio

  2. The dialogue in both of your teasers sounds like it came from strong characters! I like that.
    My teaser is from The Warden's Lantern.

  3. Just hearing Oh Donna makes me want to watch La Bamba. And I had completely forgotten about Summer Girls until I watched the video!

  4. Strong teasers! Thanks for sharing!

    You can find mine here:

  5. Excellent teaser! I absolutely LOVED Easy and so wish for a sequel. Thank you for sharing! :)

    Here's mine:


  6. I almost bought Easy this past week! Great teaser! Now it makes me wish I had of bought it!

    New follower here!

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

  7. The second teaser was very funny! Both are good teasers, here's mine: http://whatsontheshelf.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/teaser-tuesday-19/

  8. Oh frat boys lol. I remember them. Great teaser. Here's my Teaser

  9. I love Bethany Joy Galeotti. I almost squealed when I saw her on your list. :)

    New follower. Love your bookshelves.

    Here's my Tune in Tuesday: Vicariously!

  10. That song by Steel Magnolia was the soundtrack to my summer last year! I love it so much <3
