
Waiting on Wednesday: Awake At Dawn

by - October 05, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Paperback, 400 pages
Shadow Falls Book 2
Young Adult (Fantasy/ Romance)
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
October 11th 2011

From C.C.’s Site:

Kylie Galen thought her life was a mess before she went  to Shadow Falls Camp. However, now that she’s discovered she’s not human, the problems presenting themselves are anything but normal.

She’s determined to uncover the answer to her supernatural heritage, but with a ghost insisting someone Kylie loves is about to die, her new developed sixth sense telling her someone is watching her and a rogue vampire on a murdering rampage, Kylie’s quest for answers is on hold. As if her life wasn’t difficult enough, just when she’s about to give her heart to Derek, he starts pulling away. When Lucas comes back, Kylie feels more conflicted than ever. Kylie’s weekend with her mom should have been just the Kylie needs, but it turns out to be her breaking point. Discovering her heritage may not ever matter is she doesn’t survive.

To learn about C.C. Hunter and her books please visit her website

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  1. I still have the first book in the series in my TBR pile...need to read it ASAP! :) Great pick.

    check out my wow:

  2. I can't wait for this one either, because I loved the first book of this series soo much. Good thing it's gooing to be released soon. :)

    Great pick,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  3. Really enjoyed Hunter's first book and am excited to find out what is up with Kylie. Hoping too that Lucas is more prominent in this book. Great pick!

  4. Yes, this one sounds amazing I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Great choice!

    Xpresso Reads

  5. Great choice! I've yet to read Born At Midnight but I'm definitely gonna get on that soon. Lol.

    My WoW: http://hopefaithbooks.blogspot.com/2011/10/waiting-on-wednesday-7.html


  6. squee diddles!! This is going to be AWE-SOME!!

    Paranormal Wastelands' WoW:

    Zompacolypse is coming... Zompacolypse is here! Get infected!

  7. love CC hunter! she's in my author group blog, Teen Shiver! if you check out my link below, you'll see the TS link on my tabs alone the top! :)

    i follow you here!

    here's my WOW post! Stop by and let me know what your fav read has been so far this year!! I also posted a review of my WOW..so technically I guess I already finished with my waiting!


  8. I still haven't started this series! I've seen that other people are excited about this book though, so I must be missing out!

    ~Asheley (Into the Hall of Books)
